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Operated by WrylyFit, a not for profit entity

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The Washington Park Community Gardens were established in 2020 by

A. Riley Moreno and P. S. Kelly.    
The garden’s purpose is multifaceted. Besides beautifying Washington Park, the Gardens are living creations that combine nutrition, economic development, young adult entrepreneurship, education, community development, and free access to produce for residents in the immediate area, with a special focus on Silver Citizens.

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What We Do

Phillip Kelly and Ayanna Moreno both retired from the United States Marine Corps. Phillip Kelly served 30 years active duty, achieving the rank of Master Gunnery Sergeant. Since 2019, Phillip has been the Glades County representative for the Heartland Regional Transportation Planning Organization (Citizen Advisory Committee) and in 2022, he helped coach youth baseball.  

Ayanna Moreno served 20 years in the Marine Corps and retired as a Captain.  She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree (concentration in Theatre and Dance) from Spelman College and an MBA from Phoenix University.  In 2016, Ayanna was a volunteer English teacher and taught aerobic dance in Casablanca, Morocco; she volunteered for 3 months.

            In 2018, Ayanna and Phillip volunteered in the jungles of Panama, maintaining an off-grid farmstead (in the middle of paradise) and digging compost toilets.  In 2020, Phillip and Ayanna broke ground on the Washington Park Community Gardens, located at 1225 Latum Bell Street ( The two of them manage and maintain the garden and keep the grounds. With help from the Washington Park Community and Glades County, the produce grown there is free to local residents (Silver Citizens 70+ have the option of delivery).  

To help beautify the neighborhood of Washington Park, Ayanna and Phillip created the “Keeping Washington Park Beautiful” campaign, which is a mix of beautification projects throughout the Community. The annual community trash pick-up occurs in the spring, they’d love to see you there. Phillip mows the easements and County owned properties within Washington Park on a weekly basis, thereby saving taxpayer dollars, lightening the load of County workers, and “Keeping Washington Park Beautiful” at the same time.

            When Phillip and Ayanna saw the Washington Park Community needed representation, they facilitated, supervised, and completed the election of board members to work in the interests of the Community, thus creating the Washington Park Community Association. COVID shed light on the seriousness of “underlying health conditions” many of which can be mitigated with better diet and exercise. Seeing, there wasn’t an organized fitness outlet available in Moore Haven, Ayanna and Phillip created “WrylyFit”. WrylyFit is a federally recognized, not for profit company, which creates/facilitates fitness opportunities for underserved communities. In-person WrylyFit opportunities are made available for little to no cost. In June of this year, Ayanna and Phillip held their first WrylyFit event, the FatherHood Games, which offered competitive family fun (outdoors) in honor of all fathers and father-figures. Through donations, this event was free to those who participated. In October of 2022, WrylyFit will offer Zumba classes in Moore Haven. These classes are donation based to ensure availability to all who choose to be healthy. 

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Founder, Director, co-Manager

A. Riley Moreno, the visionary behind the Washington Park Community Gardens,  is responsible for the garden aesthetics and purpose.



Founder, Construction, co-Manager

P. S. Kelly brings the vision to life. He is responsible for all construction and acquisition of items integral to garden operations.

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Attitude of Gratitude

The Washington Park Community Gardens are made possible by the collective efforts of the Community, the County Manager, and his Team.

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